local (Hawai'i Based) projects

Find below our growing list of local offset options. CarbonBuddy is constantly developing new projects that will give you the option to support energy efficiency, renewable energy or native ecosystem restoration (carbon sequestration) projects here on the Islands of Hawai'i and across the State. Local projects are usually provided in a package option in which your offset is completed via a certified project and in addition supports a local of your choice. Besides our active projects, our already implemented projects might also be of interest.

Project: Photo-voltaic system for the Hawai'i 'Ulu cooperative's processing facility.

Project type: Solar

Country: USA

Area: Hawai'i / Honalo

Certification: no certification (small project)

Price: 25.00 US$/t


Why support this project?

Support local (Hawai'i) farmers and their cooperative in strengthening the local food supply. This project will reduce emissions (>100t/year) by replacing grid power with solar energy and reduce the cooperative's operating costs making local food more competitive.

Project: Forest Restoration in cooperation with the Waikoloa Dry Forest Initiative.

Project ype: Reforestation

Country: USA

Area: Hawai'i / Waikoloa

Certification: no certification (small project)

Price: 25.00 US$/t


Why support this project?

Support a Hawai'i based non-profit organization in its effort to restore the highly degraded dry forest on Hawai'i Island. This project will create native habitat and sequester carbon from the atmosphere.

We are already working on the next project. Follow us or sign up for our newsletter to get notified when it becomes available.

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CarbonBuddy is a Kuleana Green Business Member at the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce.